Well, here are a few pics of lately.
Matt and I had the chance to go to New York! We had a lot of fun saw some fabulous shows, ate some great food, saw the cool sights and just overall had a great time together. Then Matt was sweet enough to come home and take care of our beauties (mostly all by himself :)) while I went on a cruise with his sister. He did a fabulous job! I had a good time, but missed my babes (All three) terribly, and was so glad to see them.
This pic was us on the Staten Island ferry just after passing the Statue of Liberty, coming back to the harbor at Battery Park. I thought it would be a lot more scary in the city than it was, because I've just kind of been a small town girl all of my life. It wasn't too bad though. We got around easily enough. We even rode the subway! I have to tell the funniest thing though. We were in Central Park, just checking things out, and we had been walking through for a bit. We had probably been there 30 minutes. We had seen the big fields, and were just finishing seeing the Belvedere castle.(It's a local weather monitoring spot now, so you can walk clear to the top), and as we were leaving, there is a bunch of scrub oak, and local vegetation with paths running through it. I finally looked at Matt and said, " You know we can see this kind of nature right where we live, lets go back to the buildings." He looked at me and laughed and said, "You're right, it does look like the hills, just with mown grass too." So we promptly left and got surrounded by the buildings. We decided we had more than enough nature at home, we were here to see the fascinating city sights. I told Matt as we were walking out that I could see why people love it so much though. To have a big park like that in the middle of a city that big was a cool thing to see - we just didn't need to spend a lot of time there.
Things are getting closer to adoption with Amelia. We have a couple of court things to do, then the state has to meet, then we might be able to get a court date for just after the new year. Hopefully all will go smoothly, and we can all be one big, happy family, and have the adoption done. That would be a very nice thing.
Amelia is full on walking (running) now, and is so cute! This is a picture of her first real steps in multiples. We were outside and finally got her to walk across the deck. It was awesome!
Halloween was fun! We dressed the girls up like Bo-Peep and her sheep.
Amelia was the lamb, and Christian also had her "lamby", that she has to hang onto all of the time.
They turned out so cute in their costumes!
Mom even found herself a BEAU! Isn't he the cat's PJ's? I think they are such a match!
This is also a pic of Daddy with his babes. Aren't they all precious?
Last little comments - If Christian isn't the funniest. She has too go to bed with "Lamby", "Lopster" - a little red lobster I brought her from Boston, and her "Night Moon" book, and to top it off, her "Sheep in a Jeep" book - crazy , huh? But cuuuuuuute! The bed gets a little full. She won't let you read the books once she is in bed either. She says, "My read the books - you no." She kills me she is so cute. Amelia has just started the last few days to really say, "Yeah" and nods her head. And when I say nod, I mean it. That little head bobs so hard, you would think it was getting loose. But still the cutest.
Well, people, it's been fun but I'd better get to bed. I've got a lot to do tomorrow. Loves yas!
so stinkin cute!!!! and your kids are ok too! :>
Such a great update. Don't you just love (visiting) New York? The girls are beautiful and I love their costumes. I can just picture Christian having to go to bed with all of those things. Tristan sort-of has a similar regime, but it consists of four blankets, a special pillow, about 4 stuffed animals and a Buzz Lightyear... Yeah - crazy! Take care Moll - good to hear how things are going. :)
Fun post! Your girls are SOOOO darling! I just loved their Halloween outfits.
Life is crazy busy, yes it is!
But busy is good...right? (At least I keep telling myself that!)
Thats such a funny post :) I miss the sister :) Glad to hear things went well for you and daddy in Ny, and yes, thanksgiving here is chaotic too...good luck with everything
xoxox (time to update my blog now)
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